FlyBot – SpitFire – BattleBots 2020
Check out the FaceBook page detailing the history of SpitFire the BattleBots FlyBot and watch BattleBots to see SpitFire in action along side SubZero this season!
SpitFire FaceBook for 2020

FlyBot – SpitFire – BattleBots 2019
SpitFire is a FlyBot created to attack BattleBots in robot combat adding another layer of excitement and action. For our opponents it’s more of a physiological weapon or a distraction and that bit of extra for the show that could help if your fight goes to a judges decision.

FlyBot – SpitFire – BattleBots 2018
SpitFire is a FlyBot created to attack BattleBots in robot combat adding another layer of excitement and action. For our opponents it’s more of a physiological weapon or a distraction and that bit of extra for the show that could help if your fight goes to a judges decision.
SpitFire was born to fight along with Subzero for BattleBots 2016 and sadly did not get a chance to fight. SubZero drew IceWave for the first fight and needed the extra weight allowance for armor on Subzero and lost in single elimination combat. SpitFire came home and awaited the next chance to fight along with Subzero at BattleBots.
That chance came 2 years later when Jerry Clarkin called asking Logan Davis to Drive Subzero for Battlebots 2018 and if Spitfire was ready to Battle. The answer to both was yes!
For our first fight at BattleBots 2018 Subzero drew Huge for our first fight and Subzero needed the extra weight so SpitFire awaited a chance for proof in Battle!
The maiden battle of SpitFire along with Subzero fighting against Captain Shrederator our FlyBot SpitFire earned the first Winners Pog at BattleBots 2018!
FlyBot – SpitFire – BattleBots 2018

SpitFire 2018
Shown below is SpitFire 2018!

SpitFire 2016
Shown below is SpitFire after passing safety inspection at BattleBots 2016!